2024    Noah Salvi

2023    Amanda Boccucci

2022    Mark Fulwider

2021    Mark Shinn

2020    Samantha Brown

2019    Melissa Deckelman (2nd Term)

2018    Melissa Deckelman

2017    Ivonne Lahlouh

2016    Cristina Ysselstein

2015    Loretta Mingram

2014    Tonia Ho

2013    Diana Fay

2012    Regina Munroe  

2011    Jon Pierce

2010    Nina Davi Ritchie

2009    Jeff Thomas

2008    Doreen Hardy

2007    Jodi Spangrud Beasley

Term of office switched to calendar year.

2005-2006     Ray Decker 

2004-2005      Mark Kramer

2003-2004      Mike Ellis

2002-2003      David Rossi

2001-2002      Susanne Denny

2000-2001      Francie Levy

1999-2000      Doug Carson

1998-1999      Jeff Smith

1997-1998      Litza Coughlin

1996-1997      Craig Hughes

1995-1996      Andy Peabody

1994-1995      Sandra Carroll

1993-1994      Rod Brown

1992-1993      Jim Childers

1991-1992      Campbell Brown

1990-1991      Karen Storey Laurie

1989-1990      Melanie Borba

1988-1989      Sandy White

1987-1988      Melissa Wood

1986-1987      Gregory Johnson

1985-1986      Terry Saforek

1984-1985      Susan Donnelly-Davis

1983-1984      Bill Laurie

1982-1983      Lorraine Keefer

1981-1982      Karen Hirsch (two terms)

1980-1981      Karen Hirsch (two terms)`

1979-1980      Ed Bloom

1978-1979      Bill Brecheen

1977-1978      Burton E. Hirsch

1976-1977      Richard Wolfman

1975-1976      Merten Krasnow

1974-1975      Michael Jones

1973-1974      Irwin Levin

1972-1973      Barbara Hirsch

1971-1972      Wally Jones

1970-1971      Ron Wolfman

1969-1970      John Murphy

1968-1969      Henry Shobar

PMANC has a rich history of dedicated volunteers who have served the organization as President.  
PMANC is appreciative of their service throughout the years.


  PO Box 949 Waynesboro, PA 17268

  415.622.6866 |

  501 (c) 6 non-profit.